
How do you know if you are 'keen as?'

You know this is the programme for you, if you love reading articles, reading autobiographies, listening to podcasts, watching coaching documentaries, talking to other coaches, watching other coaches. You go on coaching courses, have done or are working towards coaching certificates. You think about coaching all the time, where your partner often gets annoyed and say 'have you heard a word I've said?' You just love it. It's part of your identity, your purpose, your DNA and you want more of it. The Leading Coach Programme is one of a kind as it takes a holistic approach focusing around 3 key pillars, being ‘Leading Self,’ ‘Leading Others’ and ‘Coaching.’ You will get access to 18 modules of content, regular updates, an open-line of communication to The Coaching Gig team, chances to connect with other coaches and people of leadership and more, to help shape awesome campaigns.

But what is it about?

This programme has been put together based on extensive research and first hand experience in the field of what it takes to thrive as a coach. It is shaped is a way for you make sense, but most importantly - take action! 

Modules include 

Developing Vision Building Culture Balance and Purpose
Game Planning Establishing Role Clarity Campaign Planning
Review Process Session Planning High Performing Habits
Enhancing Relationships Analysis Delivery Methods
Feedback Through Questioning Critical Conversations Managing Stress
Game Day Coaching Influencing Up More to come...

What do you get?

When you join the Leading Coach Programme you will become part of the team for 12 months. You will get access at all 18 modules, weekly tips of awesomeness through our mailout, an open line to The Coach Gig, plus regular workshops (either in person or on-line), to hear from the best and connect with our amazing community of coaches out there. Price: $199 ($NZ) for 12 months. That's $4 per week.